Explore the EDRO III Shipwreck
Now this is the story to tell the kids. And of course the grownups too! After all, we are all just big kids. On the inside at least. And this is probably the best shipwreck Cyprus has to offer. Read on, MacDuff!
The Sierra Leone flagged EDRO III ran aground in Paphos in stormy seas on 8 December 2011. And is still stranded on the rocks. The wreck is very close to the shore. Which makes a visit pretty interesting and exciting. For kids young and old. The ship weighs about 2,345 tonnes and is over 80 meters long. It sprawls on the rocks at an 11-12 degree angle. But it’s an empty shell today. So you cannot go aboard for safety reasons, which is a shame. But it’s dangerous, so it’s definitely for the best. So please heed the are warning signs or else you’ll get in trouble in more ways than one!
It was a dark and stormy night…
So how did this happen? Good question. What’s the story in Balamory? Wouldn’t you like to know. The Albanian owned cargo vessel left the port of Limassol in early December 2011, bound for Rhodes. I imagine it was a dark and stormy night. So you can add that to your stories. Call it poetic licence. The storms got up and the ship ran aground off the coast of Paphos. Where it has remained stranded ever since. So not really that much of a mystery. Besides the ship was carrying plasterboard which pretty much ruins any sense of mystery. So I suggest making up whatever you like. Go for broke!
Ship ahoy!
Luckily there is another mysterious ghost ship wrecked on the rocks off Paphos. But that is another story. For another blog. So I can promise smugglers, forgeries and mucho mystery. But you’ll just have to wait for that one. Ship ahoy, me hearties!
You’ll easily find the shipwreck just driving towards the Sea Caves. After paying a visit to the shipwreck you can enjoy some drinks and food at the restaurants near by.

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